“Hall Street Associates v. Mattel” (on the U.S. Supreme Court's last word to decide whether contractual arbitration clauses or agreements calling for expanded judicial review of arbitration awards are enforceable or not – April 2008):
“Premium Nafta Products Limited (on the decision by the United Kingdom’s highest court, the House of Lords, to widen the straits that had narrowed the role of arbitrators and independence of arbitration clauses – November 2007)
"Société SNF – SAS v. Chambre de Commerce International" (French court decision on the question of which set of rules of the arbitral institution are applicable when the arbitration clause is silent on the matter – November 2007)
"The Use of Reasoned Awards in International Arbitration" (December 2007)
“Unclear Arbitration Clauses Leading to Unwanted Court Intervention” (January 2008)
"The Pitfalls and Perils of ‘Mixing’: Whether Arbitration Rules Should be Applied Without Administration by the Issuing Arbitral Institution" (February 2008)
"Problems Arising from a ‘Dual System’ Arbitration Clause: Americatel El Salvador v. Cia. de Telecommunicaciones de El Salvador" (May 2008)
"Arbitration in International Tax Treaties" (co-author with Robert Feinschreiber and Margaret Kent – February 2008)
“Overview of Key Brazilian Arbitration Law Developments in 2007-2008” (co-author with Fernando Eduardo Serec and Antonio M. Barbuto Neto, Tozzini Freire Advogados, Sao Paulo - April 2008)
“Availability of Foreign Arbitral Forums: A Tale of Two Countries with Opposite Views - Chile and Ukraine” (May 2008)
“Arbitration in Chains of Contracts – France and Switzerland” (May 2008)
“Consequences to Parties for Nonpayment of Arbitrators’ Fees and Costs: Rulings from Two Key Arbitral Jurisdictions – the U.S. and Sweden” (co-author with Richard Dewitt – June 2008)